sábado, agosto 21, 2004

Antigo astronauta revela a realidade sobre o fenómeno OVNI.

O ex-astronauta Edgar Mitchell é um dos 12 que caminhou sobre Lua. Altamente creditado como cientista, Edgar Mitchell, causou sensação numa conferência sobre OVNIs nos EUA quando afirmou que teve acesso a provas de que seres extraterrestres estavam entre nós.
Em 1971 foi o sexto homem a caminhar sobre a Lua. Agora com 68 anos, trabalha como consultor na série X-Files. Numa entrevista ao Sunday People, Edgar mitchell, contou a razão da sua convicção de que seres de outro planeta já tinha, de facto, aterrado na Terra.
"I AM an American astronaut and a trained scientist. Because of my position people in high places confide in me. And, as a result, I have no doubt that aliens HAVE visited this planet. The American government and governments throughout the world have thousands of files of UFO sightings which cannot be explained. "As a scientist, it is logical to me that at least some of these will have been witness of alien craft. As a former astronaut, the military people who have access to these files are more willing to talk to me than to people they regard as mere cranks. The stories I have heard from these people, who are more highly qualified than me to talk about UFOs, leave me in no doubt that aliens have already visited Earth.
"I've been interested in the subject since I joined NASA 40 years ago. Probably my most visionary moment was when I actually landed on the moon with Apollo 14. I felt an overwhelming sense that the universe itself is in some way a conscious being in its own right. This means that all life-forms, whether on Earth or elsewhere, are all part of one giant consciousness. So when I learned that aliens really do exist, I wasn't too surprised. But what did shock me when I started investigating extra-terrestrial reports a decade ago is the extent to which the proof has been hushed up.
"It isn't just the US government which has kept quiet about alien visits. It would be arrogant of an American like myself to assume that ETs would only choose to visit my country. Indeed, I've heard convincing stories about governments all over the world that know of alien visits - including the British government. Not all governments are anxious to keep their findings quiet. The Belgians have admitted that aliens may be out there and have released information about sightings that cannot be explained away as military planes, weather phenomena and so on. There is a very simple reason why governments have been so secretive: fear.
"Modern UFO sightings really began with the Roswell incident in 1947, when a crashed craft containing the corpses of several aliens was found in Roswell, New Mexico. Make no mistake, Roswell happened. I've seen secret files which show the government knew about it - but decided not to tell the public. There were very good security reasons for not informing the public about Roswell. Quite simply, we wouldn't have known how to deal with the technology of intelligent beings advanced enough to send a craft to Earth. The world would have panicked if we'd known aliens were visiting us. The question of whether or not aliens are still visiting us is more complex.
"Such is our existing secret technology that what might look like an alien craft may well turn out to be a top-secret military plane. On the other hand, the craft may be an alien spaceship. Personally however, I'd say, 'Yes, it's quite possible we are currently being visited'. The whole question of extra-terrestrials should be looked at in an historical context. Five hundred years ago, the astronomer Copernicus was condemned as a heretic for saying that planet Earth wasn't the centre of the universe but merely a small part of it.
"Now we laugh at those long-dead fools for not listening to the truth. People who believe in aliens aren't all cranks and some may be looked upon in the future as visionaries similar to Copernicus. Meanwhile, the majority of us still believe mankind is the biological centre of the universe. We will refuse to accept that intelligent life exists outside Earth unless we personally bump into an alien while we're doing the shopping. Is this attitude really any different from those "simpletons" of 500 years ago?
"My training at NASA only allows me to look at things scientifically. Even if I hadn't been shown evidence of alien landings on Earth, the assumption must be that somewhere in the universe another planet is capable of supporting alien life. Those life-forms need not be "little green men". The scientists' definition of intelligent life is whether or not it can use and manage information. Even the most primitive microbes on Earth qualify by that definition, and surely there are at the very least similar microbes thriving on planets throughout the universe.
"If you are starting to think walking on the moon addled my brain and that I'll believe any old crank theory about ETs, think again. I would describe myself as a cynic. I wasn't convinced about the existence of aliens until I started talking to the military old-timers who were there at the time of Roswell. The more government documentation on aliens I was told about, the more convinced I became.
"It must be stressed that the wackier people on the fringe of alien matters do the subject no end of damage. Contrary to rumour, there are no alien buildings and structures on the moon. I should know, I was there! I even became caught up in these rumours when a theory started that a moon structure was reflected on my helmet during TV transmissions of my landing. That just isn't true. It's that kind of disinformation which stops credible people admitting that they too believe in aliens.
"Thankfully, things are changing for the better. It's a snowball effect - the more scientists admit that ETs are a viable prospect, the more they are investigated in a scientifc manner. And the more that happens, the more chance there is of us discovering inarguable proof of extra-terrestrials. It helps too that those in possession of documentation of alien visits to Earth are starting to come forward. The military people I spoke to are tired of the secrecy surrounding Roswell and similar cases, particularly as the information is being leaked. I firmly believe that this documentation will have to be made public within the next three or four years. And if proof of ETs is finally made public, nobody will be happier than me.
"What I don't think will happen is that I will ever see an extra-terrestrial. I'd love to see one, though it's not the biggest priority in my life. But, as they say on a TV show I'm associated with, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!”

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